Spirituality in treatment
Recently, there has been increasing attention to the need for meaning in mental health care. I am convinced that renewed focus on the soul and spirituality is crucial if we want to counteract the significant rise in psychological issues in the 21st century. Our bodies receive attention from medical professionals, our minds from psychologists, but who helps us with our souls? In addition to conventional offerings, Psycheheel will explicitly cater to those who are spiritual and wish to incorporate this into their treatment from 2024 onwards.
Although Marjan understands the fear of appearing esoteric or strange, she knows that this deepening and energy work is important to many. At Psycheheel, you are welcome if you want to integrate existential questions into your treatment or seek soul healing through hypnosis and trance journeys. Whether you talk about inspiration, chakras, the power of Mother Earth, spirit animals, or the phases of the moon—at Psycheheel, you will find a psychologist who understands you and listens attentively. Psycheheel also offers grouptherapy where shamanism plays a role. More information about the group offerings can be found here.
My journey
From my upbringing, I learned to rely on reason and science, and I was raised atheistically. However, over time in my profession, I have come to make more and more space for feelings and bodily sensations next to cognittion and behavior. Through various experiences, I have become more aware in recent years that there is more to life. Existential psychotherapy and the work of Carl Jung captured my attention early on. I have also practiced yoga for many years and preferred guidance from a spiritual coach over a fellow psychologist when I was struggling myself.
Around 2010, a supervisor inquired about my beliefs and I dis-covered (somewhat to my own surprise) that I believed in the power of Mother Earth and reincarnation. Yet, spirituality had no place in my life, and I quickly found it somewhat whimsical. This changed in 2020 when I took the 'Activating Your Light Body' course with a colleague. The strong impact of this energywork and journeying sparked my interest in shamanism. Through the many courses I took afterward, I learned much and saw the overlap with psychological techniques. Shamans, the healers of indigenous peoples, appeal to me due to their earthy, grounded, and modest spirituality without dogmas, rules or the need to convert others. This aligns with my work as a psychologist and my worldview. I believe that everyone carries the wisdom of their soul, connected to the greater whole. We just need to take time to turn inward to find our own path.
Read more
Interested readers can find more (mostly dutch) information about shamanism and spirituality in mental health care through the following links:
Het Sjamanisme: de mens van de aarde - Happinez​​
Sjamaan is de psychiater van de toekomst - Leef bewust
De ggz moet meer oog krijgen voor spirituele en existentiële kanten aan psychisch lijden
- Wereldpaden
Religieuze en spirituele zorgbehoeften van ggz-cliënten - De Hoop