Somberheid, verdriet, rouw, heimwee of depressie
Er kunnen allerlei redenen voor somberheid en verdriet zijn. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan rouw door het verlies van een dierbare, verdriet om een ziekte (van jezelf of anderen), het uitgaan van een relatie, eenzaamheid of heimwee hebben. Vaak gaat dit met de tijd vanzelf over, maar soms heb je er zo veel last van dat het je dusdanig in de weg gaat zitten, datje niet meer alleen verder kunt. Psycheheel helpt je bij verwerking en aanpassing aan de veranderde omstandigheden.
I have experienced that what no one should ever have to experience at such a young age. I lost my sister due to an accident whilst she was traveling abroad. I remember the state of disbelieve and unacceptance I was in during the first couple of days and weeks. The people close to me advised me to see a psychologist to help me overcome and deal with the pain of the tragedy. At first, I thought it wouldn’t help me and I would just waste my time. However, I must say when I meet Marjan I found a person, which I could trust with any feeling and worry I had on my chest. At the beginning I was sceptical, but once I got comfortable with Marjan I really felt like things were becoming more bearable. Her treatment is different than others. She didn’t prescribe me anything to take, she rather chose a different more humane path, which was to talk about all the things that bother, scare and frustrate me. That way she got to known what really lies beyond all my problems to give me a proper advice on things. Without her treatment within the first couple of months, I think that I wouldn’t be amongst the living anymore. The stability and forward-looking approach she gave me on life and how life really works, gave me the strength to continue living. There were dark times, where I thought that life is not worth living with the continuous pain without any sight of improvement. But after my second/third session with Marjan the excitement to come and speak to her grew with every visit. I felt relieved and the pan itself became more bearable, I personally think that acceptance is the wrong word due to the nature of her death, but Marjan’s treatment gave me the hope that I had been waiting for after such an event. I can highly recommend her treatment for any student or person who experience any similar situation and where the mourning process feels like it never ends. Now I have reached the stage, where I can talk about my sister, look at pictures and still feel like the world is an okay place. The one thing that Marjan’s treatment and the whole tragedy taught me is that life is the most precious thing we have and that we only get one shot at it, therefore talk about what worries you and the situation will improve. A German Student age 21
Voor de geïnteresseerde hieronder een link naar een krantenartikel over heimwee bij studenten, waaraan Psycheheelbehandelaar Marjan Krijgsveld meewerkte:
Soms is de reden voor je somberheid echter helemaal niet zo duidelijk. Ook kun je je niet somber maar juist vlak voelen. Alsof je niks meer voelt. Het kan zijn dat er sprake is van een depressieve stoornis. Vaak is er dan ook wat verandert in je eet- en slaappatroon, pieker je veel en worstel je met zingevingsvragen. Je bent ook dan welkom bij Psycheheel voor hulp. W
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